Pllaka çeliku BS960
BS960 i përket çelikut me forcë të lartë të mbështjellë me seri BS, dizajn çeliku me rezistencë të lartë të karbonit me aliazh të ulët BS960 duke zvogëluar ekuivalentin e karbonit të indeksit të ndjeshmërisë së çelikut dhe saldimit të plasaritjes dhe përdorimin e pajisjeve dhe teknologjisë së përparuar të shkrirjes për të forcuar mbledhjen e mikro-lidhjeve teknologji, saldueshmëri e mirë.
Trashësia: 4-10 mm
Gjerësia: 950-1200 mm
Gjatësia: 2000-12000 mm
Çeliku BS960 Përbërja kimike
Gradë | C | Si | Mn | P | S | Alt | B |
BS960 | .0.12 | 0,50 ≤ | 601.60 | 0.015 | 0.005 | 0.015 | 0.003 |
Karakteristikat mekanike të çelikut BS960:
Gradë | Trashësia | Forca e rendimentit | rezistenca në tërheqje | Zgjatja |
BS960 | 4-8 | 960-1050 | 1050-1080 | 11-15 |
1 Formueshmëri e mirë. Të gjitha klasat e çelikut BS mund të formohen në të ftohtë.
2 Performancë e shkëlqyeshme e saldimit. Çeliqet kanë ndjeshmëri të ulët të çarjes së saldimit dhe vetitë e bashkimit të saldimit janë të mira.
3 Rezistencë e mirë në temperaturë të ulët.
Statusi i dorëzimit BS960: Seritë BS miratojnë shpërndarjen me çelik të mbështjellë me forcë të lartë (TMCP).
other similar grade:
What is S960QL Structural Steel Plates ?
An ALFORM 960 Structural Steel Plate is a quenched and tempered steel plate heated and cooled rapidly to produce rock-hard plate surfaces. Possessing minimum yield strength of 960 Mpa, ISO4952 E960 structural steel plates command excellent abrasion resistant qualities. Compliant with the European standard EN 10025:6:2004, these adaptable steel plates stand for :
S = Structural Steel
960 = minimum yield strength
Q = quenched and tempered
L = Low notch toughness testing temperature
We are distributors of EN 10025-6 S960Q High Strength Steel Plates that are remarkably versatile and offer the following advantages :
1. Shorter delivery times
Since they are made by the quenched and tempered process, our TStE960V High Strength Quenched and Tempered Steel Plates tend to have compact grain sizes, leading to lighter yet stronger plates. Such plates, when used to make heavy containers, promote lighter self-weight but an increased productivity in matters of delivery times, making shorter, quicker ferries, leading to saving of fuel and money.
2. Reduced down-time for maintenance
Our EN 10025-6 S960QL High Tensile structural Steel plates endow machines and assemblies with hardened bodies, tolerating massive amounts of abrasions due to constant machining. They are fashioned in a way to suit fierce blows yet facilitate smooth functioning, thereby reducing down time.
3. Durable service life
Their bull like vigour, uniform, hardened bodies and workability helps DILLIMAX 965T High Strength Structural Steel Plates to be durable to last long, irrespective corrosion and weather changes. Their superbly malleable surfaces allow easy replacement in case of damages, making them dependable.
4. Safe and resistant
Our AFNOR E960T-11 Abrasion resistant structural Steel plates are safe to use, providing sufficient resistance to any form of abrasion. They just do not wither away under high or low temperatures and are more resistant to acidic fluids. Also, they are less susceptible to fire and pest infestation
5. Enhanced construction quality
Our NF A36-204 S960T High Yield Steel Plates are furnished with special coatings and a polished finish, less prone to corrosive elements. Besides, using these structural steel plates for your foundation will cost less, as they are light weight. They do not age or decay, thereby improving the construction quality
GRADË | S960Q S960QL | TStE960V DILLIMAX 965T DILLIMAX 965 | E960T E960T-11 S960T | S960Q S960QL | WELDOX 960 | JFE HYD 960LE | ALFORM 960 | ||
Application of our S960QL Structural Steel Plates
• Aerospace, ship building and automobile industries are primary users of WELDOX 960 High Strength Low Alloy steel plates, instrumental in constructing light weight, leaner, and efficient, heavy duty customised air and motor components.
• We are exporters of AFNOR E960T High Yield Structural Steel Plates that have primed surfaces that allow free flow of media, fight corrosion and are very precious in combustible workplaces like Oil & Gas, fertilizer, nuclear power plant and chemical industries.
• Cranes, high-rise buildings, sports stadiums, railway and metro stations and bridges are built using DILLIMAX 965 High Strength fine grain Steel plates, capable of holding together such towering and suspended structures with great poise.